Monday, February 18, 2008

How laser hair removal works

For many women and men, unwanted hair can be a nuisance…or even a nightmare. Until recently, removing it was uncomfortable, inconvenient, expensive and time-consuming. With the exception of electrolysis, which can be prohibitively expensive and painful, most other methods are temporary at best. But that has all changed. Today, with the remarkable advances in laser technology, unwanted hair is being removed safely and affordably. Laser Hair Removal has been extensively researched, tested and proven highly effective in permanently reducing unwanted hair. It works on just about any treatment area of the body where smooth skin is desired…underarms, face, neck, legs, shoulders, back, bikini line, you name it.

How laser hair removal works...

Hair grows in three distinct cycles. First, the active or growth cycle (Anagen); next, the dormant cycle (Catagen) and, finally, the fall-out or shedding cycle (Telogen). Laser Hair Removal is most effective during the growth cycle (Anagen).

The pigment in the hair follicle absorbs the laser light and converts the light to heat. The heat, in turn, damages the follicle and destroys its ability to re-grow. It is important to treat each follicle during the growth cycle for maximum hair reduction.

At Advanced Laser Clinics, your skin is compressed and cooled with the FDA-approved LightSheer™ Diode. Manufactured by Lumenis™, the nation’s leading manufacturer of aesthetic procedure equipment, the patented ChillTip™ cools before, during and after each laser pulse to protect your skin and make treatments more comfortable. A topical anesthetic is available if you experience any discomfort.

The laser pulses for just a fraction of a second, heating the hair follicle and impairing its ability to re-grow. Significantly less hair grows back with each treatment…ultimately resulting in your goal of permanent hair reduction. The number of treatments required varies from individual to individual.

Hair growth cycles differ on different parts of the body. Your skin and hair color, coarseness of hair as well as age, metabolism and other individual factors influence hair growth rate. Our experienced staff will work with you in designing a schedule to optimize your results.

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