Friday, July 11, 2008

Have you ever wondered why many more men lose their hair than women


The crown (top) area of the head is covered by a thin membrane. In
the teenage years, the membrane is thin in both boys and girls.

As the years go by, the membrane usually starts getting thicker and
less elastic in men. This starts to put pressure on the blood
vessels feeding the hair.

Eventually this process chokes off the blood supply and kills the
hair roots because of lack of blood and oxygen.

Hormones, stress, poor nutrition, and hair care habits all
contribute to this thickening of the membrane in men.

This process is much less common in women.

The good news is that the thickening process can be reversed by
following the plan in "How to Naturally Regrow Lost Hair in 15
Minutes a Day". This will allow many of the lost hairs to
eventually grow back.

If you're tired of suffering, why not get started on the road
to recovery today?

Click Here!

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