Thursday, December 25, 2008

The little Story of Ron

Today I want to tell you about my friend Ron.

A few years ago, Ron was getting discouraged. He had a receding
hair line and a bald spot on the crown of his head that was getting
ever larger.

Ron decided to do something about his problem. He found a hair
transplant surgeon with a good reputation and made an appointment.
After consulting with the doctor, Ron scheduled his operation.

First the doctor fixed Ron's bald spot. He cut out a strip of skin
from Ron's scalp, and took hairs from there to implant into the top
of Ron's head. It was quite a bloody affair. Ron was in the
surgeon's chair over 15 hours that day. He had to take two days off
work to recover.

Over the next few months, Ron's bald spot filled in. He felt a lot
better about his looks. The biggest downside was the price- about
$4000 to fix his bald spot, not counting the time off work.

A few months later, Ron went back for another transplant to fill in
his receding hairline. This operation cost about the same as the
first one.

It's too bad I didn't know Ron back then. I could have let him read
the ebook "How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair in 15 Minutes a Day"
and save himself a lot of pain and money.

If you'd like to deal with your problem for about 1/1000 of what Ron
paid for just one of his two transplants :

go here!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Reasons for Grey Hair

One of the most common subjects is gray hair, such as whatcauses it and how to get the original hair color back, so Iwant to address that issue today. Your hair contains a chemical called melanin whichdetermines how dark your hair is. Eventually the level ofmelanin starts dropping and your hair gets lighter.

So grayhair is actually "hair without color." This is the sameconcept as the pigment in your skin which determines howdark it is and makes it darker when you tan. Of course thedifference is that sun exposure will not help with themelanin in your hair. For some people the graying process starts as early astheir late 20s (think of comedian Steve Martin, who doesn'tlook much older now than he did 30 years ago due to goingprematurely gray).

For others this does not happen untilthe 50s or even 60s. So what to do about this, especially if you are turninggray before your time?One common thing people do is dye their hair, which workswell if done right. But it's easy to do it wrong and end upwith hair that is obviously dyed and looks unnatural(especially if your eyebrows or other hair is alreadygray).

It's also messy, and if you aren't careful, the dyewill get on your skin and stain it.An alternative to this is a product called "Youthair". Itcomes in liquid or creme form. The way it works is that itadds a pigment that combines with your hair to restore itcloser to the original color. This looks more natural sinceyour hair does not end up one solid color like jet black.Some people prefer to leave a little gray so it looks morenatural than a dye job.

I don't have any connection with the company that makes it-just search for "Youthair" and you'll find where you can orderit online.I learned about this from an ebook I recently read called"Grooming Secrets for Men." It's full of tips about how toimprove your appearance, look and feel better, make a goodfirst impression, take better care of your skin, hair, andteeth, and improve your overall health.

Click Here for More information...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hair Removal Plus

Hello All,

Here is an fantastic recommendation for the people looking for Hair Removal.

I have had many people asking me to suggest something that can be helpfull for hair removal with out pain. After lots of research I have found this one very good.
Click on the below image or the link to get one right now.

Hair Removal Plus